THERE ARE MANY PRE-WEDDING functions in an Indian wedding. Among these, the most entertaining one that is observed is the Garba. Garba is an Indian form of dance that is most familiar amongst Gujaratis as it originated in the Gujarat region of India. It is more similar to Western folk dance than to the presentational style of Indian classical dances.
Traditional garbas are performed around a central lit lamp. The circular and spiral figures of garba have similarities to other spiritual dances. Modern garba is heavily influenced by Raas, a dance traditionally performed by men. The merger of these two dances has formed the high-energy dance that is seen today. Garba can be enjoyed by all and is a good form of exercise. In the days gone by, a clay pot called a "Garbo" was filled with water, a betel nut and a silver coin were placed within the pot called a "Kumbh" on top of which a coconut was also placed. As the dancers whirl around the pot, a singer and a drummer provide the musical accompaniment. The participants clap in a steady rhythm.