Monday, October 11, 2010

We have been discussing about how start a family the Indian style. Let’s take a look at the common Indian family values. It is the family values that determine the cohesiveness and decomposition of society. The whole world over and especially in the Indian lifestyle family is the cornerstone of society. Socialisation starts from within the family .In the Indian family you learn how to be socially. Family instructs us to tolerate the reality that there’s a mutual concern, which possibly may be more important than personal concern. Hence, it might need to be comprised in favour of family concern. This changes personal behaviour and instils tolerance, forbearance, obedience, passion and commitment, concern and sacrificial love. In an Indian family this restrains selfishness and removes inflexibility. As a matter of fact, a household is the first social institution that educates about social values and acceptable social behaviour amongst humans. Cultural values are in essence household values written in a broad way. Without the family, concepts like patriotism would be absent and couldn’t have endured for a long time principally because there’s been a logical stress on implementing family values. Break down of the family at the same time leads to social decompose. When an individual drops off the ability to tolerate those who disagree with him, then that brings social disintegration and degradation.

The conventional Indian family used to be a big size joint family. You could find the whole extended family, about three generations cohabitation in a single house. Remember there were large families that time; many brothers with their families lived jointly in one house. The cornerstone of such a big extended family was either a farming land or a conventional business. Women were considerably versed in Indian epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata. These epics are a dictionary of Indian family values, social behaviour and give clear rules of thumb concerning what is to be done in particular contexts facing a family or a people.

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