Indian food is unique and different from other foods. The difference is not in the taste only but is also in the methods used to prepare the dishes. Indian food shows a perfect intermix of diverse cultures and age. If you would like to taste real Indian food it is advisable to taste it at an Indian home, instead of at a restaurant. This is so because Indian food differs according to a state, and also according to communities within the same state. Indian food has also been affected by various cultures and changing times just like other elements of the culture like clothes. Indian food is well known for its spiciness. If you eat at a wealthy Indian family’s place or an educated Indian's home, it may not be very different from the western way. All the same, in a conservative Indian house, one may be required to sit in a cross-legged, yogis tic pose on the floor and eat with the right hand from a banana leaf. It is a common tradition in these Indian families to leave their shoes outside the door to the house.
There are many vegetarian & non-vegetarian meals. Vegetarian Food like Rice, Bread, Dhal (Pulses), Vegetables, Curd, and Pickle are common amongst the Indians. So a lot of times it also includes a few desserts. Many Indians are vegetarians they eat vegetables fruits grains and milk. In order for you to live a healthy lifestyle you need to eat healthy food. You must eat nutritious food and regular exercise is of great benefit .Remember you are what you eat, be aware of the number of calories in Indian food and the nutritional value of the food you are eating. Your weight is influenced by the number of calories you eat per day less the calories you burn up through activities. In order to stay healthy and not gain too much weight either you need to eat less calories or burn up a lot of calories through exercise and fitness. You would lose weight if you ate less calories and exercise often.
You cannot talk about Indian food and not talk about spices. India is known as the home of spices the world over. Throughout India, be it North India or South India, spices are used liberally in food. It is important to know that every single spice used in Indian dishes bears some nutritional value as well as medicinal attributes.
In some communities, most of the dishes include rice as a main meal because rice is found abundantly in the aesthetic valley. The 'Saag' is also common in other communities; it is prepared with a green leafy vegetable called the 'Hak'.